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Welcome The Site for theatre practices is a place intended for workshops, residencies and creation, settled in a former farm in the countryside of Limousin area, central France. Its actions deal with :

– organizing each year an intensive summer workshop.

– proposing exceptional events, as for instance Voodoo Holidays

– leading regular workshops of traditional singing, Polyphonies, in Aubusson and the surroundings of Lavauzelle, culminating with summer sessions

– welcoming residencies/laboratories

  • Voodoo_Holidays, holistic theatre programme
  • Pietro Varasso (BE), theatre experimental workshop
  • Nadège Ametogbe/Vincent Harisdo, “Accordée”, dance / Voodoo tradition, rehearsal
  • Miléna Kartowski-Aïach, participatory opera, laboratory
  • “”Vodou Lakay”, Haïti, ritual performing arts (with Fabrice Nicot)
  • Bénédicte Le Lamer and Cie B et N, dance/theater with L’Hôte, performance
  • Alexandre Chanoine, plastic / sound arts, with Pierres, performance
  • Claire Newland and Michel Doneda, music / dance, Lisières, laboratory
  • Pascal Laurent, Cie Les visseurs de clous, Theater / puppet, rehearsal
  • Ulyana Horbachevska and JF Favreau, musical theater, Songs of war and the sky,
  • Cie The noise of the grass that grows, Deux-Sèvres, theater, project Prismes
  • Elisa Lécuru, theater, Nantes, with Retour au noir, reheasals
  • Raul Maïa, Portugal/Autriche, dance, with Excitement of our people, rehearsal
  • the company Rising Horses / Louise Vanneste (BE), rehearsal
  • our associated company, the Drunken Man, laboratories and rehearsal

– proposing theatre practice workshops, in Lavauzelle and outside, for adults, professionals and amateurs, and some projects with kids

–  being a resource tool for research, around the “organic lineage” in theatre (Grotowski), as well as musical anthropology with the project “A présent” which concerns french traditional music and orally transmitted history.

– supports the research development of its members and some grants programmes (study travels, grants for musical studies, sharing of practices, exiled artists…)


Sign in our facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/SPTLavauzelle

contact : spt [at] lavauzelle.org

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The Site for theatre practices Lavauzelle receives support from the municipality of Janaillat, the Sud-Ouest-Creuse district, the Direction of Cultural Affairs of region Nouvelle Aquitaine


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