Songs of war and the sky – festival OKNO, Szczecin

Departure - picture Aleksandar Bonačić

Songs of war and the sky

musical international project hold born in Lavauzelle

Premiere in Szczecin, OKNO festivla, Kana Theatre, june 10th

with : Uliana Horbachevska, Jean-François Favreau, Ryszard Latecki, Ostap Kostyuk, Katarina Leonova, Bernard Favreau



Way to the personal sound, workshop (Horbachevska, Favreau) – contact KANA Teatr

9.06 at 19.00

Prezentation of working methods. movie projection “Living Fire” (dir. Ostap Kostyuk)

10.06 at 19.00

Concert – sound dramaturgy,296