Sentier(s) interieur(s) (en)

Sentier(s) Interieur(s)


‘body weather’ dance research
guided by Ephia Gburek
with Vincent Valente, accordeonist

in the frame of summer immersive workshops 2024

Ephia 095

picture : A.S. Costenoble

Ephia Gburek shares her interrogations into the shifting of consciousness, presence and listening,
relations between body and object, body and material, body and landscape. She travels with the group towards an astonishing opening of the perception and the imagination, towards a choreography through embodied states of presence.

We elaborate a practice of physical listening to go beyond our quotidian socially-coded body. Our dance explorations consist of sensory games, playing with the elasticity of Time, and acts of becoming Other by putting our imagination into movement. We seek a point of contact with the earth to amplify sensations, to inform and re-situate the body, helping us to feel: skin envelope, rhizomes of nerves, marrow of bones, pulsation of heart. Permeable and aware, a new body-map unfolds.

We open passages between the body and the environment, the quotidian and the dream, the individual and the group. Blinded, we lengthen our nerves beyond the clothing of the skin to expand our perception of the “living space” which surrounds us. Change perspective, change scale, follow the invitation to become Other. Relinquish personal and then human landmarks. Lose oneself, merging pleasantly into matter. Ice nervously cracks, crystals of sugar sigh and dissolve into the tea, water vapor condenses on the face of the stone. Human-being rediscovers relation to his material cousins. Untamed existences, moving beyond or falling short of expression : our daily training will be through acts of metamorphosis.

The workshop is open to dancers, actors, poets, visual artists and all others who wish to wander through the interior spaces of the body.

5 days of training between 9:30am-1pm and 2:30pm-6:30pm.
The days will be divided between studio work accompanied by live music and outdoor immersion in the surrounding forests. An intensive warm-up opens our doors and connects us : to the place, to the group, to our sensations, to our breath and our voice. Through this tuning ritual, we awaken the flesh and joints as much as the imagination. Our explorations continue alone, with a partner or in a group ; the experiences are guided by a poetic language that transforms our physicality, through a particular relationship to touch, or by developing our connection to the environment.

Ephia Gburek