Since 2012, SPT Lavauzelle is worksing with kids from rural areas, on the territory of Limousin, in the frame of “à présent” programme (2012-2015).
We lead workshops on the gesture. We start with a complete physical training. Then, we use several tools in order to keep the work on a playfull level. One of those tools is immitation or transformation of movements. In such way, the child is not busy by himself and his complexes, but by the intention to show or demonstrate something. We also work on singing and storytelling.
The aim of this introduction work is to provoke talks in the familly, and to stimulate interest in gestures and memories, to their preciousness.
It is meant for 10 to 15 children. It is lead by Jean-françois Favreau and Marie-geneviève L’Her.
This workshop had been led already in Gueret, Sardent and Ahun.
It is supported by CIATE and european programme “Leader”.